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Entry 14 - Five Friends at C'Ville   VOTE

                          April, 23 2001
Hey, my best friend and I just got back from C-ville.  And, you're not
going to believe what happened!  First of all, when we are packing up
Collin's (my buddy) truck, and getting ready to leave for C-ville, we hear
on the radio that they are going to be giving away two front row tickets for
the C-ville concert.  Both of us were wondering why they are giving away
C-ville tickets in Dallas, TX. Anyway, I call up the number and we had to be
the 9th caller--- I WAS THE NINTH CALLER!!!  I couldn't believe it!  We
already had tickets, but these were front row, center section!!!  Okay, so
we're totally pumped; we swing by the radio station to pick up the tickets,
and we're off.   We're jamming to DMB hardcore; windows rolled down,
screaming the lyrics to DDTW.  Our road trip has started out awesome.
We left Thursday, April 19th, and we were going to camp out Thursday and
Friday nights, to save money.  We stop somewhere in Arkansas, just before we
hit Memphis, TN.  Well, as we are setting our tent up, and getting the fire
started, we see these five guys walking down the camp road towards us.  They
start to walk up to our campsite, and I realize who they are; Dave Matthews,
Carter Beauford, Boyd Tinsley, Leroi Moore, and Stefan Lessard!!!  They
walk up, dressed in jeans and flannel shirts, introduced themselves, and
asked if they could borrow some firewood, believe it or not.
We introduced ourselves, and told them where we were headed.  They couldn't
believe that somebody would come that far to see them play.  It turns out,
they went down to Austin, TX to sit in on a couple of tracks for one of
their friends' albums, and were on their way to C-ville, just like us. 
Anyway, we give them some of our firewood, and Dave says "Do ya'll play
guitar, or anything?"  "Actually, we both play guitar, why?", we say.
"I was just wondering if ya'll would like to come over to our campsite, and
jam for a while?"  We both said, at the same time, "Heck ya!"  So, we both
grab our guitars and follow DAVE MATTHEWS BAND over to their campsite! 
Neither me, or Collin are that good at playing guitar, so we were a little
bit nervous about playing in front of Dave and the boys, but they said it
was all good;  they all sucked at one point in time, too.  Well, they broke
out their instruments and started playing Best of What's Around.  It was so
awesome that Collin and I just sat there in amazement, and didn't play a
thing.  Carter didn't have his drum set out, of course, but instead, he was
just tapping on stuff around the campsite like a cooler, some pots and pans
and some other stuff, to keep the rhythm.
All the other guys were playing just like it was a concert.. A little private
concert just for me and Collin.  By the end of the night Dave and the boys
had played Best of What's Around, Tripping Billies, The Stone, One Sweet
World, Ants Marching, Satellite, Rapunzel, Pig, Dancing Nancies, Don't Drink
the Water, Grey Street (by my request), and Halloween (by Collin's request).
  It seemed like that night would never end.  They kept asking us if we
wanted them to play more, cause they needed to get back into the habit of
playing their songs, since the first show was coming up in a few days.  But,
they played almost all of our favorite songs, and they needed to get some
rest, so we settled for a twelve song setlist.  During Dancing Nancies Dave
even said "Could  I have been camping with Roy and Collin?"  I'll never
forget it!!!  Especially since Collin recorded it with his walkman.  It was
about 1:00 in the morning, and we headed back to our campsite.  When we woke
up about at 8 DMB was gone.  We packed all of our stuff up and headed for
Our second  night on the road to C-ville ended as quick as it began.  We
drove almost 12 hours that day, but it seemed like 20 minutes.  I guess we
were still so pumped up about out "encounter" with DMB that we didn't notice
all the driving.  As we searched for a place to camp, I joked with Collin
how cool it would be to run into the boys again.  After all, they were going
to the same place we were going, and we didn't pass them.  So, we were in
the same area for sure, and there weren't too many campsites in that area. 
Anyway, we pulled into the campsite and found a campsite.  And, as we were
setting up, I saw that big black tour bus pull in to the campsite next to
us.  NO WAY!!!  Not two nights in a row!!!  I was excited, but, for some
reason, this time I wasn't nervous at all.  It was almost like we were
friends from way back.  Well, when they stepped out of the bus, I yelled
over to them "Hey, guys!!! Can we borrow some fire wood?"  They all laughed,
and invited us over again.  They played like 4 or 5 more songs that night,
and after they were done, Dave suggested we hop in their bus and go try to
find a pool hall somewhere.  What are Collin and I gonna say???  No. No,
Dave, we don't want to go shoot pool with you and your friends.  So, we
hopped onto their bus and headed into town.  The bus was awesome.  We talked
about what they like to do when they are not playing, or on the road.  I
talked to Boyd about his little girl. And since Collin is a drummer he
talked to Carter a lot.  After a while, it was like they were just 5 regular
guys, and we were just chillin.  After about 30 minutes of driving we
finally found a little place that had a couple of pool tables.  It was about
11:00 at night, and the place we were at closed at 12:00.  So, we could only
play pool for an hour, but it was still awesome.  We paired up into two's
and played eight ball, kinda tournament style.  Carter and Collin, Me and
Dave, Leroi and Stephan were the teams.  Boyd sat out, cause he said he
"Sucked anyway."  Roi' and Stephan kept the table all night.  Roi' is a darn
good pool player, not to mention sax player.  We left the pool  hall and
since none of us were really that tired, we decided to throw the football
around in a mall parking lot.  We decided to split up into teams and play a
game.  The teams were; Me, Stephan and Boyd, and Collin, Roi' and Carter
were on a team.  Dave was the all-time quarterback.  We only played for like
an hour, cause it started to rain.  My team beat Collin's team 4 touchdowns
to 1.  Stephan and Boyd are pretty fast, and Carter and Roi' couldn't keep
up with them.
Anyway, we hopped back in the bus, and headed back to the campsite.  We said
our goodbyes, and Collin and I thanked them profusely.  They thanked us
back, and offered us front row seats, but we told them how we already won
them back in Dallas, so they gave us backstage passes so we could hang out
with them after the show. Collin gave Dave his cell phone number, just in
case.  They said that they had never had this much fun on the way to a
show.  Well, neither had we.
We got to C-ville about 11:00 in the morning on Saturday, and all of a
sudden Collin got a call on his cell phone.  His caller i.d. said "Matthews,
David."  We thought it was one of our friends from Dallas playing a joke on
us, cause we called home and told them what happened.  Collin answered the
phone, and sure enough, it was Dave!  He was like, "Oh, what's going on
Dave?"  He was so casual about it-kinda funny actually.  Anyway, Dave and
the boys wanted to take us around C-ville and give us a tour of the city. 
How could this weekend get any better?!?!?!  Dave and the gang took us to
all the C-ville popular spots: Trax, Millers Bar, Prism coffeehouse, The
Warehouse.  We went the back ways, and went in the back door's of most of
the places, so the guys wouldn't get bombarded with fans.  We also made a
quick stop by Dave's house and met Ashley, and his Mom.  Then we went by
Boyd's place, and he showed us around there.  Both of their houses were,
surprisingly, small, and "ordinary."  But it was still amazing to see where
our hero's live.  After we got done "sight-seeing" as Boyd called it, we got
a few pictures, so our friends would believe us, and went our separate ways.
  Before we said our goodbyes, I asked the boys if they could open with Two
Step.  Dave said, "No problem, roy, you'll get your Two Step."  So, when I
said I called the opener, I kinda knew already that they were gonna play it.
The show came and went, and we met up with the guys after the show, and
played some more pool, and some more football.  I thanked them for playing
Two Step for me.  And Dave admitted to me that Ashley wanted them to play it
too, so it wasn't just for me.
It was pretty funny.  Anyway, we headed back to Texas, and the trip back
just didn't seem complete without jamming with DMB at night.  This has been
the best weekend of my entire life.  We made 5 new friends on our way to
C-ville; five friends that I will never forget
Talk to you later Scott,

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Winners Receive:
Grand Prize Winner - One (1) grand prize winner will be selected from the top
five entries that are selected and they will receive a full 50-cd spindle pre-burned
with DMB shows of the winner's choice.
Runner Up Prize - Two (2) runner up prize winners will be selected from the top
five entries that are selected and they will each receive 25-cd's pre-burned with
DMB shows of the winner's choice.
Overall winners will be selected by