Entry 3 - If I Had a Boat VOTE
There's something about the Florida keys. Maybe it's the crystal clear water, maybe it's the salt air, maybe it's the fishing, but there is definitely something that draws me to the Keys. It always seems that there's something magical going on there.
It's relaxing to just sit 30 miles out, just you and the waves. I sat there mesmerized by the bobbing of my fishing line. It's really there just for show, I never did catch anything worth wild. I caught the flickering of light in the corner of my eye. Turning to my left, slowly approaching was a large boat.
Company this far out is always welcome.
Elementary statistical data will tell you that you've got a better chance scratching your arse with your elbow than hearing "Help Myself" in the middle of the ocean, but I heard it. The large vessel approached me, and the lyrics became clearer.
"That's from a '92 show!" I shouted to the deck as the boat swept closer to me.
"That's pretty good," replied someone from the deck.
"Turn up that DMB!" I yelled, still hardly believing my ears.
"Turn it up?" answered another from the back of the boat. "We've got the real thing here."
And up popped Dave Matthews.
"Hey how's it going," a calm, tanned Mr. Matthews replied.
This is not what I expected on a January afternoon.
I tied my boat to the side of the large liner, and boarded. After pleasantries were exchanged, I got to the burning question.
"What in the world are you doing all the way out here, Dave?"
"Just relaxing, me and Carter chartered this boat to relax a little." Dave replied, as he munched on potato chips.
Carter too? It must the sea air. I'm officially off my rocker, I thought. Dave kindly invited me to lunch with he and Carter, which I accepted. Red Snapper was the catch of the day, with Barracuda soup as the appetizer.
For the record, I'm one of those people that must know everything about my interests, so I now have 4,391 questions in my head as I polish off the main course over a spicy rice pilaf. What's the order of the songs? What happened to the Lillywhite album? Let's talk shows, old songs, evolved songs, everything swimming in my head.
"Why don't you guys play Get In Line anymore?"
In hindsight, I could have been more diplomatic.
Carter almost choked to death on his Snapper. Dave stared at me like I was speaking Mandarin.
"I don't know, we never really got it together, I guess," He shyly replied.
"It's because you kept changing the lyrics, messing with the tempo!" Carter barked back as he threw a fishbone at Dave.
Dave let out a hearty laugh, as did Carter, and I breathed a sigh of relief that I wouldn't walk the plank.
I explained my obsessive/compulsive nature, and then grilled my gracious hosts with questions, ranging from their early days, up to the present. And every stop in between.
"If we play some tunes, do you think you'll stop interviewing us?" Carter asked. He said it with a smile, but I can't help assume that he figured it'd shut me up.
We moved up to the deck, Dave with a guitar and Carter with 1 drumstick. Don't ask me why Carter only had one stick, my next question was to be to Dave why he had his guitar with him, but I figured my luck was well past the point of pushing, and was now in a full frontal shove.
Dave and Carter (with one stick) positioned themselves at the back of the boat, Carter sitting on a fold out lounge chair, with a bucket as a makeshift drum. Dave sat in a fold out chair, but on it's edge so he could swing his arms about when playing.
They played some songs they wanted to play, some songs I asked for, and one that the captain, who had no idea his two passengers were musicians, requested.
So update your lists, here's the setlist.
01/07/01 30 Miles Southeast of Marathon, FL. On A Boat.
Dave and Carter.
1. #41
2. When The World Ends*
3. Granny &
4. I'll Back You Up
5. JTR & %
6. Best Of What's Around
7. Spotlight (Carter) &^*
8. Big Eyed Fish (Hound Dog) &***
9. Kind Intentions (Me And Her) &^^
10.Opening rift of Ants Marching ^^**
10.5 Rift city (Angel From Montgomery, Rhyme & Reason, Any Noise, Say Goodbye, New Rift, Hold Me Down Lyric Tease) **@*
11. Song That Jane Likes
12. Christmas Song
13. Get In Line &
14. #40
15. If I Had A Boat @@
16. Recently (Carter and Dave) **@
17. Once In a Wild Afternoon Jam ##
18. Tripping Billies
* I didn't know what this song was at the time, but recognized it from it's title. After Dave played it, he said he and Carter liked it a lot, and it was on the new album. Carter agreed.
& My request. I actually asked for Get In Line 1st, but Dave stalled saying he couldn't remember it. He did eventually play Get In Line, and told me to expect it on the next tour.
&% during my request of JTR, Carter broke his one drum stick in half attempting to replicate his outro on the bottom of a bucket. Dave basically jumped into BOWA but was snickering at Carter the whole time as he tried to salvage his stick.
&^* I jokingly said, "play Spotlight". Dave gave his typical puke response, saying that the lyrics were the worst he'd written. Carter reminded Dave that the basic beat was OK, so Dave, spontaneously began playing the music to it! I was shocked he still knew the music. Carter sang some made up words, but he only really got the "In the spotlight." part correct. Dave added cynical "Yeah Yeah Yeah, Yeah"'s in the appropriate spot.
& *** My request, but I admitted that I didn't know what the song sounded like. Big Mistake. Dave broke into a mumbling Hound Dog imitation, which almost sent Carter over the side of the boat laughing.
&^^ My request, but Carter explained that the song "Kind Intentions" was basically the same as Me and Her. Dave started with the Kind Intentions lyrics, but after the first verse, went to the Me and Her lyrics, and then stopped the song short. I didn't pry.
^^** Dave played the opening notes to Ants, and I rolled my eyes. He laughed and ridiculed me, calling me an elitist, and the kind of person he likes to make fun of when he anonymously logs onto DMB message boards.
**@* I asked Dave if he remembered Hold Me Down. I couldn't explain the opening rift to him, so he tried a bunch. When he played the Any Noise one, I got excited and went into this diatribe about the song and it being from my favorite show (10.01.93), but Dave had no recall of the song, even when he tried the Say Goodbye rift. He eventually just sang 2 bars from Hold Me Down, but just couldn't remember how it went. Carter asked me if I was sure they'd played it before.
@@ The captain's request. To be accurate, The captain requested John Michael Montgomery, but Lyle Lovett was the best Dave could do. Carter sat out this one.
**@ Carter sang the 2nd verse.
## We were talking about Mother's Night, and Dave played the opening rift to Once In A Wild Afternoon. Carter remembered it, and with his now 2 fragments of a stick, kept a backbeat as Dave played the rift to some made up lyrics, but he quickly abandoned the lyrics to jam it out with Carter and the bucket.
After the show, Carter invited me to hang out some more, but I had to make it back to shore. I thanked he and Dave profusely, untied my boat, and headed back to dry land.
By the way, I had my DAT with me, so I'll take the 1st 5 replies for B+P's, and promise to feed it to a SHN site soon.
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