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Entry 1 - What Will Become of Me   VOTE

It was a another boring Friday night, Me and my friend Kenny were playing 
another show tonight at the local bar. We have been doing this Dave and Tim 
cover band thing for a while and it was decent but tonight was about to 
change are lives forever. It all started as usual making up a set list of 
some sorts but we like to have the same experience as the real show so 
screaming songs out is fine. We checked are guitars, made sure the mics were 
working, etc etc...and were off. We pull up to Iggy's around 8pm, Iggy's is a 
nice Irish bar where we have been playing for some time now. Greeted a few 
people and began to set up our rigs. Nothing unusual about tonight so far. We 
open up with a great version of Best Of What's Around and the crowd goes nuts, 
we are really on tonight and we can tell by the excitement on the peoples 
faces. Seems like they know something we don't, But what?. As we continue to 
play this feeling grows more and more stronger. Almost eerie, like they knew 
what was about to happen. From in a dark corner some Idiot is screaming play 
Freebird play Freebird. I ignore his request, he's probably some drunken fool 
that has been in this bar way to long. Next song a incredible version What 
Would You Say, man, my friend Kenny is really on tonight he nailed Tim's 
solos, Then there it is again that voice from the back of the room, Play 
Watchtower Play Watchtower, geez doesn't this guy know when to be quiet. He's 
really starting to get on my nerves, doesn't he have any respect for us and 
the rest of the audience. Geez. Anyways it was my friend Kenny's turn to bust 
out his version of Tim's guitar de force "Stream" and my turn to take a much 
needed bathroom break. As I'm walking to the restroom that guy screams "you 
guys suck!". That's it I have had enough of this guy, its time to confront 
him. As I'm walking over to the dark corner of the bar I cant see a damn 
thing. I have always told Larry (the owner of the bar) that he needs to do 
something about the lighting in here. Its 9pm and this guy is sitting there 
head down, no alcohol he's actually drinking coffee, and he's with this long 
haired wirey little guy. I say hey buddy do you wanna try and keep it down. 
He stands up and to my surprise its no other than Mr. David Matthews, and the 
wirey guy was Tim Reynolds. Seems they have heard about us through a friend of 
theirs and decided to see what we were all about. I was in complete and utter 
awe. Here before me is my idol and he's harassing me like the college kids do 
to him. I ask him "why are you screaming this stuff when you hate it 
yourself?". His reply was he wanted to get me over here, it was important 
that he talked to me with out letting his presence be known. And figured 
sooner or later I would confront them. Well his plan worked. Here is the 
ultimate guitar duo in a bar of 75 people and know one has a clue. He tells 
me that he has really enjoyed our show thus far and wants to ask us a favor?. 
I want to sit and talk to him, but my friend Kenny is trying desperately to 
keep the audience entertained while I'm screwin' around. And its not working so 
I excuse myself and get back on stage, guitar in hand, now I am a nervous 
wreck and my hands are trembling in fear that I will make a mistake now. I 
cant believe there here and I cant talk to them. We decide to go into my 
favorite song by the band #41 and we nail it. I cant take this anymore I want 
this show to be over so bad but we have almost an hour left to play. My 
friend Kenny is clueless to what's going on and I cant tell him for fear he 
will let the secret out. I cant keep my eyes of that corner of the room. We 
play a few more songs then its Kenny's turn to do another Tim solo, I walk 
back to the corner of the room to talk to Dave and Tim, but there gone, the 
table is empty, no coffee cups, no sign of anyone ever sitting there at all. 
Okay what the hell is happening I wonder. Am I hallucinating? They were here 
right? I ask Larry (bar owner) if he had seen where the two guys sitting at 
that table went? He tells me no one has sat there all night. I said come on 
Larry I was just talking to them. He gives me a look like I'm crazy. And again 
he explains no one has been there all night. I am now confused, maybe it was 
the lack of sleep? maybe, I don't know what but something is defiantly not 
right here. I go back to the stage and continue to play, the whole time im 
not even thinking of what I'm doing, I'm thinking what the hell is going on? We 
take our short intermission and I pull Kenny aside and tell him what's going 
on. He says they cant be here there at a show in Memphis tonight. Ok now this 
is all to weird what the HECK is going on? Larry thinks I'm crazy, Kenny 
thinks I'm crazy, And I'm starting to think I'm crazy too. I try my best to 
forget it and finish the show. We close with an amazing version of Warehouse. 
Thank God this night is finally over. We load our gear into the car and head 
for home. I turn on the radio and hear the worst news ever. " Dave Matthews 
and Tim Reynolds have tragically been part of a car accident and have 
deceased", "approximately at 9pm the coroner has declared that both of these 
musicians have past away". OH MY I am in total shock. I pull the car over 
and have to sit for a few minutes and think. Kenny looks at me with a blank 
look on his face. He asks me "What time did you say they were there? I reply 
around 9 o'clock. He lets out the most horrible gasp I have ever heard. What 
the heck! Then it dawned on me what Kenny was thinking Dave and Tim, 9 
o'clock, deceased, Was it the ghosts of Dave and Tim? We are both shaking 
this is way to weird. Kenny is in complete fear. I get a cold chill and every 
hair on my body feels like its standing on end. Could it have been?, and why 
would they come there? and why me? and the worst part is unfortunately we will 
never know what the favor was they wanted us to do? 

The End

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Winners Receive:
Grand Prize Winner - One (1) grand prize winner will be selected from the top
five entries that are selected and they will receive a full 50-cd spindle pre-burned
with DMB shows of the winner's choice.
Runner Up Prize - Two (2) runner up prize winners will be selected from the top
five entries that are selected and they will each receive 25-cd's pre-burned with
DMB shows of the winner's choice.
Overall winners will be selected by